Hello World, From a Lazy Boy

Hi everyone, this is my first blog post!

I'm Giovanni aka gffuma, I come from Italy and yes, of course I am a programmer. I love being a programmer.

I'm also a very very lazy boy, but for me being lazy, as a programmer, is a skill rather then a fault.

"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it."

Bill Gates (maybe)

I'm a big fan of hacker scripts, In this blog post I'll show you a little hacker trick I'm very proud of.

Some time ago I was asked to keep track of which days I worked from home and which days I worked in the office.

This could seem a simple task, but, remember, I'm a very lazy boy... and I'm also an h4ck3r 🏴‍☠️.

So i came up with this solution. When i work from home and when from office?


Simple! it's enough to check the wi-fi SSID!

Ok so i built a super simple script in Node.js.

How to grab the wi-fi SSID is Node:

(Snippet from my actual script ... this is an old script so is written in CommonJS but i am a very big fun of ESM in node anyway)

Aww yes this script was written only for me so run in Mac OSX only lol

const util = require('util')
const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec)

  '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I'

async function grabCurrentWifiSSID() {
  const { stdout: rawWifiStauts } = await exec(CURRENT_WIFI_COMMAND)
  const wifiStatus = rawWifiStauts
    .reduce((allStatus, line) => {
      const [key, value] = line.split(':').map((piece) => piece.trim())
      allStatus[key] = value
      return allStatus
    }, {})

  if (wifiStatus.AirPort === 'Off') {
    throw new Error('Not connected')
  return wifiStatus.SSID

The rest of script is trivial if grabCurrentWifiSSID() don't fail check if the SSID is from my home or from my office and write the information in a JSON with the related date.

To make all automatic i put the script execution in a cron job in my machine that run every working day, every hour from 10 to 18.

0 10-18 * * 1-5 node /path/to/script.js

Finally and the end of the month when i have to send report of my office days vs my home days i simple run another script that take the JSON of information and tells me which days i worked from home and wich days i worked from home ... the script is also able to dectect potential days off 😉

I sweart you like this little trick n story! That's all for this first post ... see ya!